Free mensa meals for students in need to use in the canteens and cafeterias

The free mensa meals are vouchers for the canteens and cafeterias of the Studierendenwerk Bremen. They may only be granted to students who are enrolled at one of the four universities listed below.

A cash allowance of €100 is granted. This amount will be loaded onto the Mensacard. Cash payment is excluded. To ensure that as many students in need as possible benefit from the free table, it is only granted once per semester and within the limits of available funds. Free tables are voluntary services of the Studierendenwerk Bremen, therefore there is no legal entitlement. Free tables are only granted to students who, through no fault of their own, are in considerable financial need and are therefore prevented from completing their studies properly. A committee made up of representatives of the Studierendenwerk decides on the allocation of free tables.

Procedure for awarding contracts:

Important note: Please fill in the attached application form completely and truthfully and enclose the supporting documents required for processing. Missing documents will result in the application not being forwarded to the committee for a decision. The applicant will be notified of the decision in writing.

Free table application (758,49 KB)