Studying with dyslexia (in German)

The terms dyslexia or reading and spelling disorder are used to describe an impairment that is characterized by pronounced difficulties in learning to read and/or spell and that cannot be explained by a general impairment of mental development, environmental or teaching conditions.

Dyslexia can still lead to problems in adulthood. If those affected find that they are unable to meet the requirements of their studies due to their diagnosed reading and spelling disorder, it is possible to apply for compensation for disadvantages. This is because the reading and spelling disorder has been confirmed as a disability by case law on examination law. To apply for compensation, students need a certificate of an existing diagnosis, which must not be older than 5 years.

The PBS offers students at universities in the state of Bremen a free diagnostic assessment. If a reading and spelling disorder is diagnosed, a certificate can be issued for submission to the examination office. Diagnostics are only carried out if students intend to apply for compensation for disadvantages.

Registration for dyslexia diagnostics is carried out via the PBS secretariat.

Dyscalculia diagnostics are not part of our range of services.

General information on the topic of dyslexia can be found here.
Bundesverband Legasthenie & Dyskalkulie e.V.

Compensation for disadvantages

Here you can find further information on compensation for disadvantages.

If you would like advice on applying for compensation for disadvantages, you can find the relevant services at the individual university locations here:

University of Bremen
KIS Contact and Information Center for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Illnesses

University of Bremen
Studying with a disability

Hochschule für Künste (HfK)
Department 1 for Student and Academic Affairs/Office for Students

Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences
Accessible studying and working/Inclusive studying