The term paper should have been handed in the semester before last...
Night after night at your desk without getting a sentence down on paper?
All your certificates in your pocket, but no courage to start your thesis?
The constant guilty conscience of not having done enough for your studies...
Does this sound familiar?
The work structuring groups (ASG) are an offer that can set deadlocked study behavior in motion with a few simple rules. Our aim is to help students develop an appropriate work structure and at the same time help them to deal constructively with work difficulties.
Using the example of a specific study project, e.g. term paper, exam, master's thesis, various techniques for successful time and work planning are learned in the weekly group meetings moderated by us. Over a maximum period of ten months, the group members support each other in practicing and adhering to certain rules with the aim of developing a study behavior that is satisfactory for them.
The offer takes place on the campus of the University of Bremen. If you are interested in participating in this group, a preliminary meeting can be arranged via our secretariat.
Group leader: Jan Hamborg
We also offer an online work structuring group. This offer is aimed at students who are absent but would still like to take part in a work structuring group and students who are unable to take part in a face-to-face group due to other circumstances.
Group leader: Svenja Heinemann
Have you had a severe mental health crisis or a stay in hospital? Or are you suffering from a mental illness?
Many affected students find that they are often only able to cope with the demands of their studies and everyday life to a limited extent. This group helps them to organize their studies with the help of learning techniques and realistic time and work planning. Step by step, new ways are tried out to structure everyday life more appropriately.
The group acts as a social support, making it easier to gradually take the strain and strengthen student self-confidence, even with existing (performance) restrictions.
In addition to sharing experiences about current problems in everyday university life, you can deal with your illness and the associated uncertainties, e.g. regarding your own expectations.
The group offer is intended as a supplement to psychotherapeutic treatment.
Date: Mondays, 11 am to 12.30 pm
The offer takes place on the campus of the University of Bremen. If you are interested in participating in this group, a preliminary discussion can be arranged via our secretariat.
Group leader: Cordula Schrör
Do you have problems organizing your everyday life? Do you find it difficult to structure yourself? Do you suffer from forgetfulness, a lack or excess of activity?
Students with attention deficit disorder (AD(H)S) often describe difficulties of this kind. They are often restless, suffer from sleep disorders and inexplicable mood swings. And they find it difficult to complete their studies successfully and satisfactorily: The level of independent learning, motivation, time management and stress tolerance required often makes those affected doubt themselves and not infrequently leads to them dropping out of university.
This weekly group will help you to better structure your studies and your everyday life. You can also discuss your individual and AD(H)S-typical problems with other sufferers and develop a new way of dealing with them.
The offer takes place on the campus of the University of Bremen. If you are interested in participating in this group, a preliminary discussion can be arranged via our secretariat.
Group leader: Simone Buchholz
The symptoms of exam anxiety in students are varied: they manifest themselves in the postponement of exam dates as well as in the form of physical discomfort and restlessness through to panic attacks and blackouts. Anxiety impairs cognitive performance and often hinders the completion of studies.
Anxiety can also have a performance-enhancing effect, however, if we learn to deal with it productively: People often overestimate the "threat" posed by exams and examiners, and underestimate their own ability to exert influence. If you try to take fear as a challenge, you have already taken the first step!
The workshop is usually held once a semester and takes place on the campus of the University of Bremen. If you are interested in participating in this group, a preliminary discussion can be arranged via our secretariat.
Workshop leader: Hanna Weber
You know these situations: You want to present a group paper and are so excited that your hands and voice are shaking? Do you blush during a speech and can't think of anything to say? You avoid accepting a presentation and are annoyed with yourself afterwards?
The phenomenon of speech anxiety is widespread at universities and colleges. Many students find it difficult to give presentations, take part in discussions or present their knowledge in examinations.
Our two-day seminar offers you the opportunity to deal with your personal speech anxiety in a safe environment. You will learn to better understand your anxiety and its symptoms. Different coping strategies will be presented and tested. The aim of the seminar is to improve your ability to deal with anxiety-inducing speaking situations more calmly in the future and perhaps even to (re)discover the joy of presenting.
Seminar methods include theoretical input, individual and group work, work on the three presence zones of the body, presentation exercises, physical and relaxation exercises, feedback.
The workshop is usually held once a semester and takes place on the campus of the University of Bremen. If you are interested in participating in this group, a preliminary discussion can be arranged via our secretariat.
Workshop leader: Doris Moormann
Our groups and workshops are held in German. We will be happy to advise you individually on the topics for which we offer groups. Together we can discuss which alternative group programs are available in English and which are suitable for you.