Training support for pupils is provided for attendance at
1. secondary general education schools from grade ten, vocational schools from grade ten (attendance at which does not require completion of vocational training and which do not provide a vocational qualification), specialist and technical secondary school classes (attendance at which does not require completion of vocational training)
2. Vocational schools and technical school classes
(attendance of which does not require a completed vocational training course, provided that they provide a vocational qualification in a course of at least two years)
3. Abendhauptschulen, Berufsaufbauschulen, Abendrealschulen and Fachoberschulklassen (whose attendance requires a completed vocational training course)
4. Abendgymnasien, Kollegs und Berufsoberschulen und Fachschulen (attendance of which requires a completed vocational training course)
For the type of school from number 1, you are only entitled to funding if you no longer live with your parents and one of the following requirements is met:
- a corresponding educational institution is too far away from the parental home
- the student has their own household and is married or divorced
- the student has their own household and looks after at least one child of their own
The amount of your BAföG grant is as special as your DNA - we have to calculate it! So it's best to submit your application via BAföG Digital (link) or get advice over the phone (link). It costs nothing. You can find a rough overview of the funding, which varies depending on the type of school, here.
It is best to do this as early as possible if you are already attending the training center, as the application only counts from the time it is received here at the Studierendenwerk. So if you don't want to "give away" any money, it's best to do it now. If you are already receiving BAföG and would like to apply for it again (repeat application), we recommend submitting your application two months before the approval period ends.
This essentially depends on you. If we have all the documents to be submitted, it can take up to 10 weeks to process your application.
Not as complicated as it may seem at first glance. Before you give up, please ask us for advice.
It is a combination of your assets (money in accounts, life insurance, etc.), your income (e.g. mini-job), your parents' income from the year before last and the allowances (e.g. siblings!) that can be deducted from this. Tip: If your parents currently earn less than 2 years ago, the current, lower income can be taken into account on application.
If they currently earn more than 2 years ago, this will not be taken into account. By the way: The parents' assets are irrelevant.
This does not exist as a concrete figure and must be checked individually.
So that we can check whether you may be able to receive more BAföG. For example, there are allowances for siblings who go to school, study, do an apprenticeship or an FSJ, etc.
Such an application is usually valid for 12 months. During this period (called the "approval period"), you can earn a total of up to €6,251.04 in a mini-job, for example. That's an average of €520 per month. However, it doesn't matter whether you earn the same amount every month or, for example, nothing for a few months and then even more again. If you exceed the earnings limit, BAföG will be capped accordingly. Other limits apply for freelancers, the self-employed, tutors and students with children.
For the area of student support, the following applies: The money you receive is a grant that you do not have to pay back.