Help in serious crises

If you have a serious crisis, you can contact the following agencies when our offices are not open:

Telephone emergency services/crisis line:

0800 - 11 101 11  24 hours, free calls, including from mobiles

Social-Psychiatric and Crisis Intervention Service at the Bremen Health Office:

0421 - 800 582 10 Mo to Fri 8.30 am to 5.00 pm

0421 - 800 582 33 Mo to Fri 3.00 pm  to 11.00 pm and on weekends/holiday 8.30 am to 5.00 pm

Psychiatric ambulance Bremen-Ost

0421 - 408 12 91
0421 - 408-0         Zentrale

Crisis telefon (Gapsy), nights:

0421 - 95 700 310

Emergency doctor, nights and weekends:

Bremen-Stadt  0421 - 116 117
Bremen-Nord   0421 - 609 8063
Bremerhaven   0471 - 192 92

If you are in serious danger and there is a need for immediate action, you can call the fire or ambulance service and ask for an ambulance with a law enforcement officer.

Police service 110

Fire service    112