Types of Counselling

One-to-One Counselling

We can provide a one-to-one counselling session to discuss the reasons why you have sought counselling and talk about your expectations. We will then work with you to clarify the reasons for your problem. Together we will work out possible solutions or some initial steps in the way forward. Your problems can be discussed in one or more contacts.
In some cases, it may turn out that psychotherapy might be a good idea for you. If so, we will be happy to advise you about the different forms of therapy. If necessary, we shall help you to find a suitable place in therapy. Depending on your issues, you could also participate in our groups or workshops, or we can recommend that you visit other facilities, inside or outside the university.

For more information, or to arrange an appointment, please contact Ms Intemann at the office.


Do you want to do something about your fear of public speaking, or exam nerves?  Or do you want to learn how to cope better with stress?
If so, why not attend our workshops:

Many students in counselling say that are stressed by their studies or that they suffer from severe anxiety when they have to speak in public or sit exams. They often show all sorts of anxiety symptoms, such as an inability to concentrate or sleep, nervousness, and blackouts in exams or public speaking situations, and they avoid exposing themselves to these types of situation.

In our workshops we try to enable you to deal with stress or your anxiety in a new and different way. Within the security of the group, and together with other students who are similarly affected, you have the chance to find a new approach. 

    All the workshops are free but only available in German. If you are interested in a workshop, please contact our office.

    You will find the following workshops in our program:

    Going into exams with confidence - overcoming exam nerves

    Symptoms of exam nerves in students differ very widely: They can manifest themselves in postponing exam dates, as physical complaints and restlessness, and even in panic attacks and blackouts. These anxieties have a negative impact on cognitive performance and often prevent the student from completing their course.

    However, anxiety can also result in improved performance if we can learn to deal with it productively: You probably overestimate the "threat" posed by the exam and examiner, and underestimate your own ability to control things. In the workshop you will learn to use your exam nerves to find good solutions. As part of the group, you may succeed in changing your attitude and getting an understanding of the source of your problems. You will also learn how to prepare for exams in a systematic, realistic way. 

    You can take part with others in role plays to help you understand your typical exam behaviour (e.g. "negative principles") and learn more effective ways of behaving.
    Exercises to help you relax and build your own self-confidence will help you to control your anxiety levels and become calmer. You can regard the exam creatively, for instance, with you being the "main actor".

    If you try to treat your nerves as a challenge you have taken the first step!

    The next workshop will take place on:

    Wintersemester 2024/25

    Workshop language is german.

    Would you like to register for this workshop? Then please contact our secretariat.

    Workshop by: Ms. Weber

    From now on I'm talking..." Presenting with self-confidence - overcoming a fear of public speaking

    Do you recognise these situations?

    You want to present a piece of group work and you are so nervous that your hands and voice are shaking?
    You blush while speaking in public and you seem unable to think on your feet?
    You avoid making a presentation and then you are annoyed with yourself about it?

    The fear of public speaking phenomenon is widespread in higher education. Many students find it difficult to make presentations, take part in discussions, and show what they know in exams.

    This two-day seminar gives you the chance to get to grips with your own fear of public speaking in a secure environment. You will learn to better understand your anxiety and its symptoms. A range of strategies for overcoming it will be explained and explored.

    The seminar's objectives are:

    • To improve your ability to deal in a calmer way with speaking situations which trigger your anxiety
    • To possibly even (re)discover pleasure in giving a presentation

    Seminar methods include theoretical input, individual and group work, work on the body's three presence zones, presentation exercises, physical and relaxation exercises, feedback.

    The next 2-day workshop will take place on:

     winter 2024

    Workshop language is german.

    Participation is required on both days.

    Would you like to register for this workshop? Then please contact our secretariat.

    Workshop by: Ms. Moormann

    Our groups and workshops are held in German. For advisory services in English, please contact the secretariat.